Now on to the pictures...ha! I figure after all the hard work it's taken him to get here to clinicals, we should celebrate each rotation's end. So, we went out to eat at Red Lobster Friday night (btw...the only way our family knows how to celebrate is with food!) =) and before we went, I attempted to use my self-timer on my camera to get a family picture. I am terrible at getting family pictures. Everytime there is a good occasion for one, I always realize after the fact that I should've had a family pic taken! My battery was about gone in the camera so these pics are a little fuzzy, but now I know how to do it so hopefully more family pics will come! The first pics are when I was trying to figure out where to position the camera and Tom, Tag & Bella were being silly while the camera was flashing away! And check out Bella Rose hamming it up for the camera in all of these!! Precious! (oh, and please ignore the boring white wall in the background...gotta love apt living!)

I think this one below is my favorite (I realize that probably only I can see a real difference in each pic! ha!)

So in love with these 3!
Also...our company is here! We picked up Zak and Macy last night when they arrived around 10:00. I got to see some of my church family when I picked them up and it was so good to see them! I hope they all have a wonderful, life-changing experience at camp this week! I've already begun taking pics so I'll have plenty to post of their time here!

I'll leave you with one last pic of my little loves that is just pure sweetness! They really do love each other (well...most of the time) and I'm so glad they have one another!!

Hope you are having a great week!
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