This first pic is for Nana! She loves Elvis.....and Bella!! ;)

There is a balloon guy here that is amazing...he does birthday parties and we've seen him at a few locations doing balloons for free (or for tips only) to get business. He made Tag an alien balloon with a "brain shrinking laser gun" and made Bella Rose a princess wand.
We were at the mall and saw this jumping thing at the center court. Tag wanted to do it but I really figured he'd chicken out when it came down to it. Of course he was begging Bella to do it with him, but she would have nothing to do with it...she is his little security blanket sometimes! hehe!

Getting all hooked up

More hooking up

Here is a little video I took with my cell phone...not very long but you can see him jumping! I wish I had been videoing at the end because the lady asked if he wanted to "fly to the sky" and she raised the bands up high on the poles and pulled him down and he sorta catapulted up so so high! He was not wanting to do this at first but then he loved it and was asking her to keep on!
I don't know what our 4th of July plans are just yet, but I'm hoping we can find some fireworks somewhere to go watch. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and gets to spend lots of time with family and friends!

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