Tag came home from school yesterday so excited because his class got to go for their first visit to the school library! (He was jealous the day before because Bella had gotten to go and he thought he wasn't ever going to get to go!) Of course Tommy and I have always taken the kids to the library for story time and to check out books, but as far as Tag goes, he considers this his first trip to the library! He told me he had a surprise for me and when we got home he whipped out his library book he had checked out HIMSELF! :) He was so proud I just had to take his picture with it!

He and Bella received in the mail this week a box full of new books from Ma C (Tommy's mom) and we've enjoyed reading them each night. It's always nice to get new books to spruce up our home library. And the kids are also SO excited to be able to order the Scholastic books this year through school and have a blast going through the catalog circling the books they want! I remember how exciting this was to me too as a child. Now to just get them to understand we can't get them ALL!
Tag loves to give us surprises. I don't know if this is just a stage or if this is his own little personality shining, but I can assure you each surprise he has is making his mommy a very happy girl! Sometimes his surprises are a picture he colored at school (he's getting very creative with his drawings of monsters and robots and airplanes!), or a cleaned up room (my personal favorite!), or telling me he stayed on green light all day at school! The other night was an all time great surprise though! Tommy was going to a pharmaceutical sales dinner so the kids and I went and picked up Chick Fil A for us. When we got to our front door, Tag asked Bella and I to wait outside while he did something to surprise us. We waited and waited and waited......and finally he opened the door for us. I cried when I came in! He had gotten all our food out ready to eat, had gotten a plate for Bella with ketchup on it ready for her to dip her nuggets, set our drinks out and napkins and all! And he had put the movie we rented in the dvd player! I was the proudest momma in Oklahoma, for sure! He said he did it so I wouldn't have to do a thing! How awesome is this kid?! I told my mom this gave me a glimpse into his future...probably one day doing these little "surprises" for some lucky girlfriend! But for now I'm his main girl and I hope it stays that way for a looooooooong time! I'm definitely a lucky (more like blessed) girl!
I can't have a post without any pics of my sweet girl!
Bella also wanted me to take a picture of her from behind so we could see how long her hair is getting. She's like her momma was when she was little and seems to have slow-growing hair, but we're getting there! She loves when she can feel it on her back...and this little shirt is perfect for that!
Bella is getting better and better at morning dropoff. She hasn't shed a tear this week, much to her Mom and Dad's relief! We still walk her to her class, but Tag walks down to his room on his own. He doesn't know it, but I still walk down to peek in and make sure he made it there, though! ;) We were told we could walk the kids in until Labor Day, which is completely understandable, but it's going to be a new step up for Bella and I hope she transitions ok. I keep telling her I'll be letting her out of the car at the front soon and she'll walk to her class with her bubba, but she still feels uneasy about it. I pray after she does it once that she'll feel more comfortable. I am so proud of her and how well she's adjusting to being away from home all day. She has a new song to sing for us each day and is still getting rave reviews from her teacher!
We got Bella signed up for dancing last week! She starts week after next and is so excited! She is constantly singing and dancing and tells me she doesn't need dance class because she already knows how to dance! hehe! Then she said, "Maybe I can teach them how to dance!" =) You gotta love her! What I wouldn't give to have that kind of confidence! I want to keep her this way forever!
Tag has decided he wants to play flag football again this year, so we are getting him signed up for that. He's also wanting to sign up to play Mini Basketball. It's a school team for K-2nd grade. It sounds very cute to me and I can't wait to see it! Mini basketball starts when football ends so it shouldn't interfere too much.
One last picture...I'm learning I apparently don't have a green thumb. I can't even keep a hanging plant alive?! Ha! Actually I don't think it's me because all my other ones are flourishing beautifully! Oh well, I hung my cross wind chime that my mother-in-law gave me on that hook so now I have some pretty flowers to look at and a nice chime to listen to! :)

:( This was a couple days ago, it's much worse now.