Tag the cute little indian!
Cute lil indian ready to eat!

Ready to help mommy make the dressing!
They are getting good at cracking eggs...no eggshell made it into the bowl this time!
Mixing it all up! (please ignore the "catch-all" bookcase in the background! Space is quite limited in a little apt!)
Our Thanksgiving dinner! Dressing, Ham, broccoli and rice casserole, mac n cheese, devilled eggs, delish rolls, pecan pie and 4 layer delight! Heaven!!!! Yes it was alot of food for 4 people (really just 2 since the kids just picked at the food!) but it was all the things we wanted to make sure we had, since we only do it 2 times a year! This was my first time to make my grandmother's dressing recipe and I must say it was pretty close to being as good as when she and my mom make it!
The kids were out to play and came in and were so excited to see all the food! They acted like they loved it, but didn't eat much of it. Crazy kids!
Thanksgiving night we went to the Utica Square lighting! It was alot of fun and I'm glad we went!

The carolers

Bell on daddy's shoulders trying to get a good view of Santa!
The carolers
Bell on daddy's shoulders trying to get a good view of Santa!
There he is! Santa did the countdown to the lighting.
Pretty clock in the square! It is a fun area and has lots of high end stores, that I'd love to go walk thru sometime and window shop!
The rest of the kids' break was pretty low-key. Tommy worked and finished up his Internal Medicine rotation and the kids and I stayed home because I wasn't interested in fighting the crowds!

The kids out on the balcony painting plaster molds and making pictures one day during the break.

The kids out on the balcony painting plaster molds and making pictures one day during the break.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We each have so much to be thankful for every day!
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