We got to travel to Shreveport this past weekend to meet sweet little Bently McGregor and he was just as tiny and precious as I would have imagined!! I knew the kids would be so thrilled to get to hold him, but they really surprised me at how much they wanted to be with him. Tag especially took to his little cousin and we've been talking to him about how he will need to be a good role model for little Bently as he grows up! :) On Saturday, my mom, Aunt Laurie, Sister, niece and cousin all drove up to Shreveport too for some shopping at the Boardwalk. We had a great time and as always, whatever time I get with my family is never enough. Saturday night Tommy's mom and dad came up also and the whole Banks clan got to go out to eat at Posado's (yumm!) for Ma C's birthday! It was nice having all the Banks boys and their families together and afterwards we went back to Mark and Amber's for birthday cake and ice cream. Then on Sunday my mom and dad came to visit us before we headed out. I was so glad I got to see my dad....and so was Bella! She had gotten teary eyed when I told her that we probably wouldn't get to see Poppy this trip...so it was wonderful that they came on Sunday! Then we stopped off to love on Bently one last time before heading back to Tulsa again. Thankfully we had a much better trip home than we did coming. Tag was so carsick Friday we kept having to stop, clean him up and clean the car and let him rest some. On the way back to Tulsa though, Tag's Dramamine helped him sleep about 3 hours of the trip...and Bella slept right along with him! Whew...what a relief and what amazing little travellers we are blessed with! Guess they're just used to it by now! The kids really did not want to leave this time and that makes the trips home even harder. The goodbyes are always hard and the kids are getting more aware when I cry (I told Tommy I'm just not equipped with that mechanism that will allow you to just tell yourself to NOT CRY!). But I think no matter how old I am, I will always cry when I have to leave my parents. That's just a sign of our relationship tho and how much I love 'em! =) And like I told the kids...time is just flying by and we've already almost been here for 6 mos! Soon we'll be moving on along once again!
I have lots of pics from the weekend and I'll just let them speak for themselves!

Tag holding his little cousin for the first time!

Cute boys!

Tag kept saying he just wanted to squeeze Bently!

Beautiful Bella Rose holding Bently for the first time!

Babies always look smaller when they're in Tommy's arms! ;) I love seeing him with a baby, he's always so gentle and sweet.

First time to feed him a bottle

I love this picture...it sums up the whole weekend pretty much. All eyes were on little Bently!

Bella Rose was quite the little momma and will one day be a fantastic big sister!! (one day...but not one day soon unfortunately!)

Burping the baby

Love this...just melts my heart!

At the Boardwalk!

The kids with my niece Katelyn

Bella picked tiny flowers while we waited for our table at Saltgrass


Me with my sister Cherie, aunt Laurie, cousin Samantha and my mom!
I downloaded another PhotoShop trial and have been playing around with these pictures! ;) This one is just a great picture that Amber took!

Sweet sweet!

Ma C with her 3 grandbabies!

Brandon and Erica at Posado's

The new parents! They don't look too sleep deprived do they for parents of a barely 2 week old baby?! I don't know how they're pulling that off! ;)

Our family + 1!

The Banks boys with Momma Banks!

At the hotel with Poppy on Sunday

Nana and Tag at the hotel

Too funny! Bell in Poppy's glasses
As you can tell it was a GREAT weekend.....and a very FULL weekend! But we wouldn't have it any other way!
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