I was planning to wait until Thanksgiving day to put up our tree...but we had snow in the forecast (of course we never saw any, but it was still exciting to a Louisiana girl to just see it forecasted) and it just seemed right to go ahead and put it up this past Monday. =) We also put some lights out on our balcony railings and the kids are so so excited! We'll wait until Thanksgiving to hang the stockings and the rest of the decorations. So for now, we are decorated half Christmas and half Thanksgiving in our little apartment! Poor Thanksgiving just gets pushed aside more and more each year it seems! ;)
We are excited to be spending a quiet Thanksgiving at home this year. Of course we love to be with family, but since that's not possible this year, it will be nice to be able to relax and just enjoy being with our little family without having to rush from house to house! I plan to attempt my family's dressing recipe, so I'll be sure to let you all know how that works out...
I had another "first" yesterday! I went to eat lunch with Tag for the first time. Now he wants me to come everyday! ha! Bella Rose eats lunch in her classroom so I can't go eat with her just yet. Tag has his Thanksgiving feast today and Bella Rose has hers next Tuesday. And then they are out of school Wednesday through Friday next week. Unfortunately Tommy has to work, but I think he'll be able to be home on Thanksgiving Day. I cannot believe how quickly Christmas is approaching!!! On our agenda for this weekend is getting pictures taken so my dear friend, Misty (check out her site...MSR Designs), can make us up some FABULOUS Christmas cards!! If you are wanting an original Christmas card, she is great and she also has lots of other stationery on her site to choose from. (She's also pregnant with her 4th child...and the fact that she's able to run this business in the midst of raising her family is just amazing to me!)
Have a great weekend!!

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