This is a really neat place! They have events at different holidays throughout the year, so we went to the Halloween one. It really looks like a castle and inside it's sort of like a village with shops selling souvenir type things or food (mostly "fair food"!) and then they have several attractions. Some were kid friendly and some really scary things were "no kids allowed". We completely had no clue how many people would be there when we went, though. The lines were insane. We waited probably 40-45 minutes for the haunted hayride, but it was alot of fun. It wasn't really very scary, but was just scary enough to spook the kids! People running out of the scenes set up along the ride and stuff like that. Tag and Bella Rose really like it....but I don't think they would have gone back on it another time! ;) We also went to a pirate show that was really cute and entertaining. Other than that, we really didn't get to do much else due to the lines. We did get some cotton candy and funnel cakes and a fried twinkie! We also nearly froze. I still haven't learned how to factor in the wind chill here. I was unprepared for how cold the wind was that night. Even though we didn't get to do many of the attractions there, it was just a neat place to get to go and see! They will have a Christmas village that I'm sure we will be going back to!

This was the sunset on our way pretty!

The kids standing outside the castle

They had different characters standing around

I know the pictures are dark...but you can kind of tell how it was set up like a village

Tag was mesmerized by this guy! Bell was terrified...naturally!

This was the line to the Torture House....something I had NO INTEREST in going in!!....when we first got in the castle. This line wasn't bad but I wish I had taken a picture of it later in the night...geez it was long1!

This was a vampire named Alucard and his pet werewolf named Wolfie. They were set up along the line of the hayride to entertain while you wait.
He was making Wolfie lay down and roll over...haha!

Tag went up on stage with the other kids (Bella was too unsure what would happen!) at the Pirate Stage. They taught them a little dance, but Tag said he wouldn't do it!

Bella and her yummy cotton candy!
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