I finally completed my first sewing project! My poor mom probably wanted to pull her hair out from trying to explain those silly pattern instructions to me over the phone! So a BIG THANK YOU to my sweet Momma for helping me out! I learned lots of lessons this go around and am already looking forward to my next project! And I'll need to come up with something I can make for Tag, as he's asking what I made for him after seeing Bella's little top. It's just harder to come up with things to sew for a 6 yr old boy! Hmmmmmm.....any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! ;)
The model definitely makes the outfit looks tons better! :)
It's beautiful Chrissy! I'm gonna have to get my sewing maching out now, but like you I don't know what to make for a little boy. My mom is an expert in sewing and when I do try to sew I have to call her a lot too. Those patterns don't explain things well for a beginner.
I'm a Louisiana girl, temporarily living in Tulsa, OK. I have been married for 7 and a half years to my high school sweetheart, Tommy. We have a son named Tag who is 6 and a daughter named Bella Rose who is 4. I know everyone says it, but they're growing up SO fast! Tag will start kindergarten this year!! :( I love Jesus, my family, my friends, cakes-both to eat and to decorate, Coke Zero, the color pink, Michael Buble', Italian food, the beach, fleur de lis, reality tv, Ace of Cakes & Cake Boss, watching my Bella Rose dance, how Tag still loves to hold mommy's hand, Maggie Moos or Marble Slab's Cheesecake ice cream with chocolate chips mixed in, being silly with my kids, and watching the Braves with my husband(he doesn't know I secretly enjoy this)! ;)
It's beautiful Chrissy! I'm gonna have to get my sewing maching out now, but like you I don't know what to make for a little boy. My mom is an expert in sewing and when I do try to sew I have to call her a lot too. Those patterns don't explain things well for a beginner.