This is some HUGE statue in front of the arena.
We ran into our friends Ryan, April, Wes and Ememt while we were there, so we were able to get a family pic!
Jumbo corndogs! Definitely a favorite!
Bella's first ride....she kept saying she wasn't scared...
Poor girl started crying just before it started tho. But then she loved it!
Brave little Tag with his hands in the air! Tommy's dream is for him to LOVE roller coasters so they can ride together!
Tag and I went on a scary pirate ride....Tag was scared to death...had his head hid in my lap. I must admit, I didn't like the pitch black part of it AT ALL!
Ready to slide!!
The Charlie Daniels Band was there playing!
Enjoying a yummy elephant ear!
Bella was pooped and conked out on way home!

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