Thursday, October 29, 2009
Bella's Dance Program - Oct. 26, 2009
Bella Rose's dancing school does mini recitals throughout the year where they get to wear a little costume and do a dance they've been working on. I think it's great to get them in front of parents to help prepare them for the big recital later. I was very proud of her and thought she did the little cheerleader dance just wonderfully! Of course she's ready to bust out in big ballerina leaps and spins, but I keep telling her that will come later! ;) Be sure to watch the video at the bottom or our little dancer dancing! =)

Splashing in puddles...
While we were home it did a whole lot of raining. :( Being sick and indoors because of rain was in NO WAY how we intended our visit to WM to be!!! But one day the kids were feeling a little better and I decided to let them out to play in the puddles. They surely had a blast and I was glad to let them out to burn off some energy and do something they normally wouldn't be able to do! The mudhole they are playing in has been there for as long as I can remember. I remember having our baby ducks that we got for Easter one year in this hole when we were little. =) And yes, I do realize just how "redneck" this type of fun is!!!
I'll start with some "Before" and "After" pics of them! :)
I'm baaaack....
I know I haven't blogged in a while....a while for me anyway! I thought I'd start with our trip to La. a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, I don't have many pictures taken from our visit. (I had to steal these from my mom in fact!) I did take pictures one day when the kids played out in the water puddles....which will be in a later post... We had a great visit despite all 3 of us getting sick and it raining the whole time. :( I found that it's really hard trying to visit all the people you need to see and get things done you need to do while in town in just a week's time. Then cut that down to just 2 days after we were all sick....we didn't leave the house again until Friday and we left to come back to Tulsa on Sunday! Oh well, whoever we didn't see this time we'll see next time! =)

Tag & Bell at my mom and dad's

Tag holding a bug keeper with some sort of critter in it he found at MaC's and Pop's house! :)

Bella loves to help Poppy with his computer work. She pushes the buttons for him... ;)

I'm sure they're watching Spongebob!

Eating a chocolate sucker from his Halloween goody bag MaC had for them!

The kids with my mom

Piled up with Poppy!

Tag with the Caples' new kitty that Vannah named Isabella! =) Made my kiddos want a pet even more than they already did!

I was bored on the long car ride home

I don't want to see this stretch of road again for a while! (except maybe to come see little Bently!)

This is the word "Jesus" writtin in rocks on the side of one of the hills. Such a great reminder of who we should be thankful to when we are driving along.
When we made it home Daddy had a surprise for the kids! He had decorated the house in Halloween and had them some goodies! I can't say enough about how amazing Tommy is! He also did something like this for us when we lived in Maine. The kids and I went to WM for a visit and when we came home he had balloons EVERYWHERE! Here is a pic of all the balloons in Maine...

As you can see on the floor...Tag had already been popping them! ;)
And here are some pics of the Halloween welcome home we got...

I ate most of those Halloween cookies with the purple of my most favorite things!

Didn't he do great with his decorating?!

Bella got this mask that glows in the dark

Tag's glow in the dark mask

He had them a decorate your own cookie kit. They loved this!

Even Daddy decorated his own cookies!

And he also had them these kits to make Halloween door hangers.
I think Daddy should get a BIG pat on the back for making us feel so special when we came back home!!

Tag & Bell at my mom and dad's

Tag holding a bug keeper with some sort of critter in it he found at MaC's and Pop's house! :)

Bella loves to help Poppy with his computer work. She pushes the buttons for him... ;)

I'm sure they're watching Spongebob!

Eating a chocolate sucker from his Halloween goody bag MaC had for them!

The kids with my mom

Piled up with Poppy!

Tag with the Caples' new kitty that Vannah named Isabella! =) Made my kiddos want a pet even more than they already did!
I was bored on the long car ride home
I don't want to see this stretch of road again for a while! (except maybe to come see little Bently!)
This is the word "Jesus" writtin in rocks on the side of one of the hills. Such a great reminder of who we should be thankful to when we are driving along.
When we made it home Daddy had a surprise for the kids! He had decorated the house in Halloween and had them some goodies! I can't say enough about how amazing Tommy is! He also did something like this for us when we lived in Maine. The kids and I went to WM for a visit and when we came home he had balloons EVERYWHERE! Here is a pic of all the balloons in Maine...

As you can see on the floor...Tag had already been popping them! ;)
And here are some pics of the Halloween welcome home we got...
I ate most of those Halloween cookies with the purple of my most favorite things!
Didn't he do great with his decorating?!
Bella got this mask that glows in the dark
Tag's glow in the dark mask
He had them a decorate your own cookie kit. They loved this!
Even Daddy decorated his own cookies!
And he also had them these kits to make Halloween door hangers.
I think Daddy should get a BIG pat on the back for making us feel so special when we came back home!!

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