Our family is doing well. We've been having snowstorms, so that's been exciting. And messy! Tommy is still in his surgery rotation and liking it. I have started a little side business of sewing (called Bella and Beaux) and I've stayed pretty busy with orders! I have so many ideas of things I want to make. Unfortunately, it's just finding the time to create it all! I have been subbing alot so that only leaves my evenings for everything else....and that rarely includes sewing new things, just fulfilling orders. My friend is creating a logo for me that I'm excited about and I really hope to figure out how to balance it all better so I can get some new things for Spring made! And hopefully soon I'll have a seperate blog for this, also.
Tag is signed up to play baseball and we should hear from his team soon to get started practicing. He's excited! After Christmas, the teachers have stepped up their reading and he is doing so well! She sends home new books in his "book bag" and he returns them the next day for a new one once he's reading it well!
Bella is no longer in dancing. For the money we were spending, we just weren't happy with what she was being taught...or not being taught. As I've said before, she was wanting to do some real ballerina dancing, not that petty little girl dancing! ;) LOL! We'll start it next year....hopefully in West Monroe!! (fingers crossed!)
We still aren't certain about where Tommy will be going for rotations. Currently he is still scheduled for Virginia in late March. I am praying so hard that our family will not have to be split up. But, of course, we'll come through it with flying colors and tons stronger if we do have to. Tommy is just a hard person to be without, that's for sure!
Well, hopefully I'll have time soon to add a few pictures to cover the time from last post up until now!

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