Since moving here on June 5th, we've been quite busy trying to get settled in and trying to keep the kids entertained. It's been hard to move from where we were with lots of family and friends around keeping us busy, to here....where it's just us 4. It's also exciting, tho! We've managed to stay busy and we've found Tulsa has lots of fun things to offer! So, I thought I'd try to provide a summary of what we've been up to up to this point.
~ Starting with moving day...oh what a day. I was an emotional mess the entire day, just with the reality that I was about to have to say goodbye-that it was finally time. If I stopped to think about it I'd start crying, so my focus was to get everything done so we could just get it all over with! (I had joked about just leaving in the middle of the night to avoid the "goodbye's"!) But, now it's done and I must say that I'm thankful to be blessed with so many people to miss and be missed by. We left around 6pm that day with hopes that the kids would watch a movie or 2, then we were going to stop in Shreveport to see Brandon & Erica, then the kids would sleep for the rest of the trip. That was the plan!
And as you can see below, we got our wish! =)
Check out the chaos surrounding the sleeping kiddos!
Poor lil guy...tried to get comfy.
This picture makes me laugh! (Oh & that chocolate
around her mouth is from the yummy brownies
Nana baked for our road trip! )
~ Well, if you know us Banks well enough, you know our first stop once in Tulsa had to be......
Krispy Kreme! Woohoo!
Pure delight!! If you haven't ever had one of their doughnuts hot off the line, you NEED to! :)
~ One day we took the kids to Incredible Pizza Co. as a belated birthday trip. This place is AMAZING! Has indoor go-carts, putt putt, bumper cars, blacklight bowling and carnival games, all under one roof! And a pretty decent buffet too!
Tag at the water gun shooting game

I know it's blurry...the kids playing putt putt

Tag on the bumper cars
~ One of the public parks in Tulsa is super nice! It has 3 playsets that are loads of fun. The kids definitely enjoy playing here...but it's been much too hot to go lately.
The kids on their scooters
That's Tag way down on the bridge!
Bella looks very focused on her "scooter'ing"!
And I just like this pic of our pretty girl!
~These are just some pics from around the house.
Blowing bubbles on the patio.
These bubbles are neat...they don't pop when
you touch them so you can catch them.
Bella with Tag's binoculars. (no we weren't
using them to spy on neighbors! ;))
Check out that hair on our handsome fella! =)
We spend lots of time at the pool to stay cool!
~ One day I found Bella Rose out on the patio "rocking her baby". Too cute!

Posing in her outfit from Aunt Erica
& Uncle Snuffy. Love it!

Whew...I think that just about catches us up to today...well almost!

I'm so glad you found me so I could find you! I love all the pictures of the kids. Bella in her new outfit is my favorite--she's already got the model pose figured out!