Sunday, September 20, 2009

School picture day & Crazy hair day!

We had our first school picture day this past week! Bell wore her new boots and looked quite cute, if I do say so myself! And Tag was handsome as ever....although he did LOTS of griping about having to wear that polo shirt to school!

Their school has been doing several weeks of activities to raise money for United Way. They have had a couple Bubble Gum Days where they can buy gum for $.25 and get to chew a piece during school, and a Hat Day where they could pay to wear a hat to school. Friday they had Crazy Hair Day where they could pay $1 and wear their hair as crazy as they wanted and also pay another $1 to watch the teachers do relays. I think they had a totally fun day Friday with the hair and teacher relays! And this week they have Pajama Day that they're excited about! Of course all the money goes to United Way and it's a great way to teach the kids the importance of giving...and it allows them to get to have fun doing it! I really really love their school and we'll definitely miss it when we move!

Tag's mohawk before we colored it

Bella's froo froo pinty tails before color =)
Purple and green mohawk

That's one cool kid! ;)

The purple color, sparkle spray and big bows finished off the look perfectly! Her teacher said she pranced around all day and wore her crazy hair proudly!
Now......I think I'm caught up again on my blogs for now!!

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